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Kubernetes ΒΆ

  1. Create a disposable local Kubernetes environment:

    kind create cluster
  2. Install Helm chart:

    helm install letsplan ./helm-chart \
  3. Generate APP_KEY secret and restart pod:

    APP_POD=$(kubectl get pod -l component=app -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')
    APP_KEY=$(kubectl exec -it $APP_POD -- php artisan key:generate --show --no-ansi)
    kubectl create secret generic letsplan-dev \
    kubectl delete pod $APP_POD
  4. Forward port to access app:

    APP_POD=$(kubectl get pod -l component=app -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')
    kubectl port-forward pods/$APP_POD 8080:80

    Open http://localhost:8080

  5. Populate database:

    Load a database dump, or edit the letsplan ConfigMap to connect to the online database instead of populating the local one and then restart the pod.

  6. Generate tiles:

    Open http://localhost:8080/mbtile to generate tiles.